Thursday, December 4, 2008

Scrabble Anyone?

Scrabble Bauble necklaces come in all colors -- and every letter of the alphabet. They are made with an assortment of recycled (GO GREEN) vintage beads. They are fun necklaces to wear - and I can even make you a coordinated bracelet or pair of earrings if you wish. They are also fun to hang from your rear view mirror for a little conversatioinal bling in your car. The Scrabble Bauble necklaces shown without the side dangles are appropriate for boys. (And, they are not just for kids -- adults love a little whimsy now and then too!)

Choose a color (or maybe give me a couple color choices) and your letter and order by Saturday, December 13 and I will guarantee delivery in time for Christmas.

The Scrabble Bauble necklaces retail for $10 each. Your price through December 13 is $5 each for a one letter Scrabble Bauble necklace. Add $2 for each additional letter you might want.

Note: I can also make a pretty funky keychain with these fun little jewels!

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