Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome Back!

I've had "re-open my blog" on my To-DO list since the first of the year. I keep putting it off because I don't have time to re-design the site -- or even write a post. There is always something pressing that pushes it right to the bottom. Well, today I decided I was just going to do it. I'm taking the first step - the rest will follow! I thought about a completely new start, but I think re-visiting where I left off from several years will be good for me -- and it will give you, the reader - my clients and friends, a little history. So, what have you been putting off (maybe because it is something you wanted to perfect - like my blog was for me)? Just jump in today - go for it! Something beautiful will catch a spark and grow! Blessings, Angie

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