This necklace, bracelet and earrings set is just plain fun. It combines the rougher sun quartz stones, mauvish purple glass beads and the vintage glass white cubes with mauve accents.
Tonight is high school football which means I will have the house to myself. I think it is a good night to do some organizing/labeling in the studio so I can spend a good part of tomorrow designing while Karl is in Manhattan at the K-State football game.
I had orders for 5 of the Scrabble necklaces at my last show and discovered how unprepared I was to make those on-site! We improvised though and got them done. Karl drilled the tiles for me - using the broken bit in the Dremel. I had a spare but didn't think about taking the little tool that opens the Dremel to change the bit! I am so power tool challenged! Sad, huh? So, this weekend I am going to spend some time getting ready -- pre-drilling several tiles of each letter, cutting the cord to length and finishing one end with the clasp, making up coordinating sets of beaded dangles so I don't have to do the wire wrapping on-site except for the actual tile and beads that go with it. All some of that prep work that takes a lot less time when you do it in batches than one at a time!
I also did not think about taking the pony beads that work great as spacers because I do not use them in anything (left overs from Girl Scouts!). I didn't have any beads with me with holes large enough for the cord - so I had to get creative (good thing we do that well isn't it??) and make some wire wrapped spiral spacers. They turned out pretty cute!
Have a great Friday - the weekend is coming!